Brazil Sets Up Christian Version Of Facebook Called Facegloria!

With sudden increase in immorality being perpetuated through social media platforms in recent times, a group of Evangelical Christians in Brazil have created their own own, sin-free, version of Facebook which is known as Facegloria.

Content that expresses support for the homosexual community is not allowed to enter the social media and fluffy clouds waft across a blue sky as you log in and while you chat with friends, gospel music rings out.

Asides from its members, instead of a "Like" button, for example, the site offers an "Amen" button to express agreement into a post and there are about 600 words forbidden to be uttered across the site. 

However, the new website’s home page bears a passing resemblance to the global phenomenon Facebook and has already attracted 100,000 users in its first month and is set up to serve those who find the normal version sinful.

One of the founders, web designer Atilla Barros, says on Facebook you see a lot of violence and pornography which is why they created a network where one can talk about God's love and spread His word.

The good news is that anyone can sign up to, but if you do, you better mind how you behave. So who is in?

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