Join Us At The Ruth And Boaz Conference: An Interactive Networking Session

The journey of life is often riddled with setbacks or unforeseen circumstances. It could be a painful break up in a relationship, the loss of a spouse or a delay in attaining certain goals or desires.

Whatever shape or form our trails take, one thing is certain... God is Faithful! He is more than able to take the raw material of our past and weave it into a glorious future. Believe it or not, you too can experience restoration in every area of your life, particularly your relationships. He did it for me. He will certain do it for you.

Join us at the Ruth and Boaz Conference, an interactive and networking session for mature singles, divorcees, single parents and widows.

It is happening on Saturday 20th of June, 2015.

Time: 2pm prompt.

Venue: The Fountain of Life Church. 12 Industrial Estate Road, Off Town Planning Way, Ilupeju.

I look forward to seeing you there.


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