Child Sexual Abuse: Why Do Parents Never Believe When Their Children Tell Them The Truth?

This weekend has been very tough on me emotionally and this was due to the aftermath of an interview I had with a woman that went through Child Sexual Abuse as a child. 

Mrs Tonia Ojenagbon was my guest on the City Kids Show on Saturday on City 105.1Fm and while I personally advocate for creating an awareness on how to prevent Child Sexual Abuse, I decided to bring someone who had actually gone through it contrary to us just reading about victims on the internet.

My purpose of bringing her on the show was for a shock effect to sensitize people as to the fact that this Child Sexual Abuse matter is very real, but boy was I shocked when quite a number of children called in and said they were actually being abused and some of them had actually told their parents but they didn't believe them!

Mrs Ojenagbon spoke on how she started being abused by her uncle when she was just 12 years old and went to go live with him and how this abuse continued for 13 years! I almost fell off my seat when she mentioned this and yes so many questions arose as to how and why she didn't stop it or report to anybody.

Well, guess what? she did but NO ONE BELIEVED her and she just came to accept it as something she had to go through despite the pain and the shame until God intervened finally and she got her deliverance. She told her mum several times and unfortunately was told it was a figment of her imagination and when people started to call in saying the same thing it just made me realize that it is indeed a major issue.

I want to appeal to everyone that is involved either directly or indirectly about the care of children which includes parents, teachers and caregivers, please let us be sensitive when any child tells us that something funny is going on between themselves and an adult. Don't just chalk it down to some over active imagination or like some of us Christians will say it cannot be our portion!

Besides, these children are under our care and we are responsible for them, when a child starts to feel uncomfortable when a particular person is around, whether a visitor or family member, please let us be very cautious and on our guard. 

So also for those of us that have people living with us which may include family or friends, let there be boundaries and please let us wake up from time to time to go check up on our children in their rooms. For Tonia, her aunty never for once woke up in the middle of the night to ever monitor events who knows, the abuse might never have gone on for as long as it did.

The repercussion of this kind of abuse on a child is a never ending one, it is a very traumatic experience and while we thank God that Tonia survived it and is now happily married with children of her own, so many stories don't end up this way but rather in very ugly circumstances.

Mrs Tonia Ojenagbon now offers a support system for children that find themselves in this situation and it is amazing that immediately she called out her number on air, it started ringing even while the show was still going on.

For those children that called in to say they are currently being abused, some of them have been able to connect with her and are going through counselling but some are yet to get in touch.

So for anyone who needs counselling on Child Sexual Abuse or is a victim, you can reach Mrs Tonia Ojenagbon on  07018456607.

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