Quest For Cosmetic Surgery Leads Woman To Loss Of Hands, Feet & Buttocks!

In a case of vanity upon vanity, all is vanity, a 48 year old woman has lost her my hands, feet and buttocks after using fake black market silicone injections.

Apryl Michelle Brown had to have her buttocks, hands and legs amputated after a black market practitioner injected her with industrial grade silicone commonly used in bathroom sealant.

The Los Angeles hair stylist and mother of 2 wanted to  boost the size of her 'flat butt' when a new client claimed she could provide buttock injections.

She went ahead with the procedure and stopped after 2 sessions when she didn't see any improvement. Unfortunately, few years later, she noticed that her buttocks became discolored, hard and started itching. To make matters worse she started suffering excruciating pain all over her body.

Apryl was admitted to hospital, where surgeons discovered that a massive infection caused by the impure silicone had caused her body to go into severe shock.

She spent a month in a medically-induced coma while life-saving drugs were passed into her body, eventually,her buttocks, too damaged and infected from the impure silicone shots, her hands and feet, all had to be amputated to save her life.

She is now moving on with her life but warns other women to be very careful.

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