Another Reason To Get An iPhone...It Can Now Help Detect Cancer!

Scientists have developed a device that clips onto the iPhone that can help save a life by life by testing to see if one has cancer in just a few minutes.

The device uses the powerful cameras available now on most smartphones in combination with tiny beads that bind to cancerous cells. 

When added to a tissue or blood sample, these microbeads bind to any cancerous cells in the sample, changing the way light passes through it. These images can then be sent to a central computer for analysis and then the result returned in less than 45 minutes.

According to the scientists behind the device, based at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, it can return the results within two minutes.

The system, known as Digital Diffraction Diagnosis, D3, can be adapted to screen for other types of cancers and they have already begun a trial testing for lymphoma.

Professor Ralph Weissleder, a system's biologist at Harvard Medical School who led the work, said it could even be used to help diagnose infectious diseases like HIV, TB and Ebola.

Honestly, this is a serious breakthrough given the huge rate cancer kills people nowadays. Thumbs up to them!(Lemme Start Saving Money For my own iPhone...Lol)

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