Bucket Water Challenge To Raise Awareness

There has been this latest trend called the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge where cold water is poured on athletes, celebrities, politicians and rock stars.

And if you are wondering what it is all about...it is a charity stunt that calls on people to post videos on social media of themselves dumping a bucket of ice water on their heads. They will then nominate another person to do same within 24 hours and donate $100 to the ALS Association.

ALS is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also called Lou Gehrigs disease. It attacks the nerve cells and can lead to complete paralysis and death. The average life expectancy is two to five years after diagnosis. This campaign is aimed at raising awareness about the disease in a bid to sponsor research aimed at getting a cure.

So far the challenge has already raised an impressive 42 million dollars and even the US President, Barack Obama has donated an undisclosed sum towards the ALS Association although he didn’t participate in the public water challenge even though former President Bush did it.
Don Jazzy


Honestly it won’t be a bad idea if our Nigerian celebs can do such to help the research in getting a cure for the dreaded Ebola Virus that is killing people in various parts of West Africa including our own Nigeria.

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