Story Of My Life! 5 Years After Leaving My Banking Career For The Unknown

Yup...this was me with my afarikorodo! Lol
Exactly 5 years ago, precisely 8th March 2010, I took a major decision that changed the course of my life forever.

I left a banking career and world that I knew, a career that had fed my family and I for 9 years. A career that gave me a brand new car and allowed me travel international shores.

I left this career for the unknown and truth be told if you ask my mum, she still believes someone manipulated me spiritually and made me leave my 'plenty and big woman career'(Lol)

Well, the first 2 years after I took that decision was the hardest of my 37 years on earth. Infact I won't wish that period on my enemy. 2010/2011 was so bad that as at 2011, my church, Fountain of Life Church, Ilupeju, had to pay my children's school fees for a whole year.

I won't lie, sometimes during that time, I had my moments of doubt as to taking that decision to leave my banking career. I had moments I wept until all I could do was just lie on the floor and ask God why me? I had moments of self doubt and moments when I felt I couldn't make it to the next day.

Fast forward to 2012 when a woman I never knew, the Managing Director of City Fm, Doja Allen, took a chance on me and gave me an opportunity in the media industry despite being a green horn and not even having the slightest idea what a radio career was.

I look back on those years now and I am still in awe that 5 years after leaving that banking career, God has kept me and is still keeping my children and I. Yes, the salary I earn now is a fraction of my former banking salary but I can boldly tell you that what I use it for now is way more than what I used to spend my former salary on.

The huge salary of that banking season was spent on so many frivolous things among which was just to show off to other people. But now, money is being spent on way more important and necessary things.

Besides all of these, I love what I do now and am always happy when I am on air speaking to people, informing them, entertaining them and adding value to them in one way or the other.

So to those that insulted me, laughed at me, gossiped about me and most especially to those that believed in me, prayed for me and stood by me, I say a big THANK YOU!!!!

I als0 implore people that might be at crossroads and wondering the way forward. Please commit it to God's hands and when He says MOVE just do it even when it doesn't seem to make sense.  

You can listen to me on City105.1Fm on the following days:

Saturdays (12.15 to 2pm)- The City Kids Show

Sundays (5-8pm)- The Singspiration Zone Show


  1. I can't believe it's been that long since u left d bank...i am so enthralled by ur doggedness. U inspire me my dear friend...


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