Governor's Wife Gets Prison Sentence For Accepting Bribe In The United States

The US continues to prove that no one is above the law as the former first lady of Virginia, Maureen McDonnell, has been sentenced to a year and a day in a federal prison. 

According to reports from the Daily mail, she may become the first modern day governor's spouse sent to prison for felonies she was convicted of committing while she held the mostly ceremonial position.
Bob McDonell
However, she will remain free on bail while her appeal is pending, much like her husband, former Governor Bob McDonell who was previously sentenced to 2 years in prison.

They were both convicted of doing favors for the CEO of a nutritional supplements company in exchange for $165,000 in gifts and loans.

Meanwhile a US Attorney, Jessica Aber who spoke about the sentencing, said harsh penalties should be imposed on public officials who accept bribes and also those who assist them in accepting bribes.

Hmnnnnn....can this happen in Nigeria?

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