4 Year Old Boy Suffers From Rare Condition That Doctors Have No Cure For

A 4 year boy from Gujarat, western India, Verdant Joshi, is being bullied by his mates because of his medical condition that has baffled hundreds of doctors.

He has got a huge right foot that weighs over 5kgthe same as a bowling ball or a sack of potatoes, although he can walk and run normally.

While many doctors have suggested the foot should be amputated, some others say the condition is not life-threatening.

Meanwhile, his father is desperate for a doctor in some corner of the world to treat his son's big foot so he can avoid amputation, which would disable him for the rest of his life. 

Asides this it will also save him from the embarrassment from other children, who always make fun of him for not being able to run like them.

Unfortunately, Verdant is confined to his two-room house where he plays with his mother Jayshree Joshi, and his 1 year old sister, Vrisha.

What makes it even worse is the fact that the foot continues to grow in size and both local and international doctors don't even know what is wrong with his foot despite running tests on blood and saliva samples taken from him.

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