Physically Challenged 2ft Sean Stephenson Tells Haters He Satisfies His Wife Sexually

When it comes to what women want in a man, usually the phrase, Tall,dark/light and handsome is usually very common.

However, for 4ft 11 inches, Mindie Kniss, her husband, Sean Stephenson is just 2ft 8inches tall and she couldn't care less.

Sean was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, popularly known as Brittle Bone Disorder which affects bone growth hence his short legs.

The couple, who are both motivational speakers, met through a mutual friend in 2009 and got married in 2012 after Mindie moved to Chicago to be closer to Sean and he says it is a joy to be married to her and he tells her he loves her like 8,000 times a day.

Unfortunately, despite their happiness the couple have been targeted by internet trolls who suggest that Sean can never satisfy Mindie sexually and that she is only with him for his money.

Meanwhile, Mindie has set the record straight by saying that despite his disability, they have an awesome sex life without any issues.

Although she confirms that it wasn't love at first sight when they met, she says Sean is the most sexual person she knows and he always satisfies her and it is actually nobody's business. For her, it has never been an issue between them as there are no limitations when it comes to sex.

As a motivational speaker, Sean has been on stage with former US president, Bill Clinton and Dalai Lama. He says most people always make such wrong assumptions forgetting the fact that people with disabilities are normal human beings who also have sexual desires and fantasies and enjoy being touched.


I listened to one of his speeches titled: Escape Your Prison and honestly I had to share. Please watch and be encouraged. One of what he shares is: Never believe a prediction that does not empower you!

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