The First Black Female Attorney General In The US? Obama Nominates Loretta Lynch

It seems like this year is one for breaking records in the US political history. Just last week a black woman, Mia Love became the first black Republican woman in the US Congress

Meanwhile according to reports, another woman is being set to become the first black female US Attorney General. This is because today, President Barack Obama has nominated attorney, Loretta Lynch to replace former Attorney General, Eric Holder.

The Attorney General is responsible for enforcing  federal laws, including protecting civil rights and working with the remarkable men and women of the Justice Department. He/she also oversees the vast portfolio of cases, including counter terrorism and voting rights; public corruption, white-collar crime, judicial recommendations and policy reviews all of which impact on the lives of every American, and shape the life of the nation.

Eric Holder has been one of the longest-serving Attorney Generals in US history and Loretta Lynch is a strong, independent prosecutor who has twice led one of the most important U.S. Attorney’s Offices in the country and has a 30 yr record of legal accomplisments.

If the nomination is approved, she will succeed Eric Holder, whose tenure has been marked by historic gains in the areas of criminal justice reform and civil rights enforcement. She would also be the first black female to lead the Justice Department.

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