A Must Read: Before You Post That Next Picture On Social Media

Social media platforms have now become a place to catch criminals as a woman who collected 57,000 Pounds in benefits after claiming to be a struggling single mum of 3 children was caught after seeing pictures of her husband and family on their wedding day on Facebook!
44 year old Wendy Cooper in the UK had collected the said amount in housing, council tax benefits and also income support since September 2004. At the same time, she also had five jobs but she kept on claiming free hand-outs from the council.
Unfortunately for her, she was caught by investigators from the Department for Work and Pensions, DWP who found out she had been married for the past 10 years when she posted pictures of her wedding day on Facebook last November.

Yesterday, she was jailed for 8 months at Leamington Spa Justice Centre after she admitted 21 charges of failing to notify the DWP of a change in her circumstances.

The Judge, Richard Griffith-Jones said she stole public money that could have been used to save other people's lives who had genuine cases and he sentenced her to 8 months jail time.

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