Scientific Breakthrough As Man Walks For First Time After Sliced Spinal Cord

In steps regarded as being more of a breakthrough than man going to the moon, a firefighter whose spinal cord was completely cut off is now able to walk thanks to British scientists.
According to reports, 40 year old Darek Fidyka from Bulgaria is the first person in the world to recover from such a chronic injury. His spinal cord was sliced in half during a stabbing 4 years ago which left him paralysed below the waist.
Luckily for him, he is now able to walk with a frame and even drive a car thanks to the revolutionary technique pioneered at University College London, UCL.

A complete break in the spinal cord is generally assumed to be irreparable but scientists in Poland used cells from Darek's nose to re-grow nerve cells which were then inserted into his spine, fixing the broken link.

It is the first time the procedure has been shown to work on a human and Professor Geoffrey Raisman, whose team at UCL first discovered the technique, said this is a breakthrough which will create an historic change in the currently hopeless outlook for people disabled by spinal cord injury.

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