Children Now Prefer Tablet Computers To Television

 According to a research carried out in the UK by London based regulator, Ofcom, the following was realized:

•    6 in 10 children use a tablet computer or iPad at home
•    11% of children between the ages of 3 and 4 now have their own tablet computer or iPad
•  Children are now watching shows via their tablet computers or iPads rather than televisions.
What this shows is that computer tablets are now more important to children than their TVs and they actually own these devices. Another developing fact is that some preschoolers are using a tablet to surf the web, play games and watch video clips. Not to forget the use of these tablets for  homework help and communicating with friends and family.

This is so true because the other day, I saw my friend’s 4 year old daughter swiping her iPad like a pro and my jaw just dropped open in surprise. The girl was so engrossed in the game she was playing. 
Initially the problem used to be that we wanted to reduce the number of hours children spend in front of the television but is swapping the TV for iPads or tablets a better option? There are these telenovelas we watch at home and one day while watching, my daughter told me what would happen in the next episode they were yet to show and when I asked how she knew, she said she had read it online via her tablet. 

The number of 5 to 15-year-olds who now use a tablet to go online has doubled to 42 per cent since last year, while the proportion of children using the internet via a PC or laptop has actually reduced.

The truth is, this is the reality of today as even here in Nigeria so many telecommunication companies are now introducing tablet brands targeted at children alone, so I will continue to encourage parents to supervise their children online and let them know the risks and dangers involved with the use of the internet.

We are gradually getting to the point where tablets would be used to impart knowledge in schools, it is just a matter of time whether we believe it or not.

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