Bristish Designer, Vivienne Westwood Accused Of Plagiarism

Hmnn...I guess its not only bloggers in Nigeria that are being accused of plagiarism and copyright issues. This is because, according to Daily Mail, 73 year old award winning English designer, Vivienne Westwood has been accused of lifting passages for her new autobipography from the work of another author which is plagiarism.
According to writer, Paul Gorman who wrote the book titled, The Look: Adventures in Rock and Pop Fashion, 40 sections of his book have been used without crediting him. He also cited two instances where passages from his work are represented as the fashion icon's own words even in direct quotes.
Paul Gorman said he respects Vivienne Westwood's achievements but believes her story should be told properly in her own words and not try to pass off other people's words as hers. He confirms that he is currently making legal representations through lawyers to the publishers as it is their job to publish books and give credit to the appropriate sources without any errors.
Meanwhile, the book which is an autobiography of Vivien Westwood was released last week

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