Vent Day & Woman With The Largest Hands

Honestly,you come across some people with serious issues just when you think that yours is like the worst on earth.

I have been in a foul mood all day because I had a run in with the dreaded 'Men In white' the Vehicle Inspection Officers(VIO) and I parted with money I sure didn't have,not to mention the stress of running from pillar to post,from one office to the other and eventually the bank, just to pay the fine and make sure my impounded car got released.

Ok I have used style to vent but I still remain thankful to God because someone like this woman will sure be glad to have my own issues as opposed to what she has been battling with for a long while now.

For more than 50 years,Duangjay Samaksama from Thailand has suffered from an extremely rare and painful affliction that leaves her limbs permanently swollen.

According to experts,the 59yr old woman is the only person in the world to suffer the rare condition Macrodystrophia Lipomastosa which causes a build up of fat deposits to be distributed across her arms and hands.

Her hands are so heavy she can barely lift them to comb or shampoo her hair, getting dressed is also very difficult and painful.She has had several surgeries to reduce the swelling,unfortunately doctors have said the only solution is to cut off her hands if she wants to walk around freely.

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