Good News: Hope For People With Vitiligo

Its good news for people with the skin condition Vitiligo as there is now a new treatment and a state of the art makeover that would help cover the irregular patches of skin. Vitiligo is a long-term condition that causes pale, white patches to develop on the skin due to lack of a chemical called melanin.
There are certain things can make one develop Vitiligo, such as a family history of the condition or having another autoimmune problem, like hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland).
It can affect any area of the skin, but most commonly occurs on skin exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck and hands. The condition varies from person to person. Some people only get a few small, white patches that progress no further. Other people get bigger white patches that join up across large areas of their skin

For 24 year old Lisa Johnson from Los Angeles, she developed the condition when she was 7 years old and her life has been hell for the past 17 years as she has been bullied and stigmatized. Although the condition is not life-threatening,its psychological effects can be devastating to sufferers as people usually avoid them or stare at them in an uncomfortable manner.

 There is now a Narrowband UV Light Therapy which can help re-colour the skin of someone with Vitiligo.The therapy would take some time to take effect, but in the short term,there is a specialist cover-up product where a computer generates a special formula after analysing images of the patient’s skin and it tells a dermatologist how much of each colour to use to cover over the white patches.

 Lisa has gone through the procedure and says her life has really changed for the better.

World Vitiligo Day is every 25th of June annually.

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