Five Thousand Dogs Killed In Hong Kong To Curb Rabies Outbreak

In Hong Kong, almost 5,000 dogs have been killed in one Chinese city after rabies was blamed for the death of 5 people.

This drastic step according to China's official Xinhua news agency is an anti-rabies campaign because 4 people died from rabies in August and 1 in August following dog bites. 100,000 dogs were also vaccinated in the campaign in Baoshan, in the southwestern province of Yunnan.

Rabies outbreaks had been relatively rare in the city in the past five years with the last case in 2006 where at least 16 people died of the disease in the eastern province of Shandong.

According to the World Health Organization, Rabies is a virus that spreads to humans through close contact from animals, usually a deep bite or scratch. It spreads through the central nervous system, leading to fatal inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.

Their government is sure being pro-active which will go a long way in curbing any rabies outbreak....all these viral diseases being caused by animals sef, Ebola and now this, may God continue to see us through.

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