9 Qualities Of Confident People

1. They admit their flaws.

No one is perfect. Self-assured people not only admit their imperfections, they applaud them. They know where their strengths lie, where they can improve and when to chill and let others take the lead. Trying to be perfect at everything is inefficient, and confident people don't have time for that. They love themselves for who they are and for who they're not.

2. They say no.
Confident people don't over-commit and they don't make false promises. They just say no. Why? Because they'd rather state the truth and decline rather than tell a white lie and then flake out later. And, they don't have time for everything....No one does.

3. They listen.

While self-assured people trust their own judgment, they are also secure enough to listen to others' opinions. They won't necessarily like what they hear all the time, but they don't throw a tantrum just because their boss didn't like their PowerPoint. They get it that criticism should be taken as constructive, and that listening to others' answers is a good way to get their question resolved.

4. They don't conform.

Confident people don't wear, say, listen to, do, or become anything they don't believe in, because they aren't walking cookie cutters. They don't mirror others to find what makes them happy -- they are brave enough to look within.

5. They're open to love.

Regardless of how brutal or shameful one's romantic past may be, the opportunity for love is hardly off the table. A failed relationship is an opportunity. Confident people reflect on why it didn't survive, work to better their own unfavorable behaviors , and then search for a more compatible partner.They don't let their past hold them back. They know they are worthy of a great relationship, strong enough to survive if it doesn't work out and fabulous enough to weather the crappy outcomes.

6. They ask for help.

So important. Confident people know trying to accomplish everything alone is virtually impossible. Self-assured people don't feel threatened or belittled by seeking help from coaches or counselors. Just like a CEO has an entire team to assist with daily functions, confident should have a support group ready to go.

7. They own their feelings.

No matter what the circumstance is, confident people strive to understand their emotions AND own up to them. There's no hide and seek happening with their jealousy -- they let it all out. They take the opportunity to express themselves without blaming others, and confirm that they are understood. Then, they return the favor by listening to the other side.

8. They release guilt

Guilt is supposed to be a temporary emotion. It pushes us to understand our actions, act to correct the mistake and apologize. But that's it. Guilt is not meant to spam our emotional foundation. Confident people listen to their guilt, figure out how to right their wrong and then they release it.

9. They support others.
Confident people love watching their friends soar. Cheering on others' businesses, relationships and successes does not impede on any of our own accomplishments; it highlights them!

Culled From HuffingtonPost

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