IPhone Or IWahala?

In a case of big man,big wahala, more than £12 Billion Dollars was wiped off the value of Apple yesterday after its latest iPhone was rendered unusable by a software update. The 3.5 per cent drop in the share price meant the company’s stock lost all gains it had made since launching the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus last week.

Users of the brand new devices were cut off from telephone signal and data networks, meaning they could not make or receive calls and text messages or go on the internet away from wifi signal.

The update for the iOS 8.0.1 operating system also killed off the Touch ID function, a much-trumpeted feature that allows users to log on to their phone using their fingerprint. It prompted the technology giant to take the unusual step of withdrawing the software completely, rather than issuing a fix.
As if that isn’t bad enough, hundreds of users have also complained that the devices,the slimmest Apple phones yet, are prone to bending in the pocket and this has sparked a social media storm in the last 24 hours, with terms such as #BendGate trending on Twitter, while internet spoofs have gone viral.
The problems also affected users of older iPhones and some iPads, who complained that battery life disappeared in just four hours, while others reported problems connecting to wifi, using apps and said their devices were running slowly and kept on freezing.

Ok now…enough said(lovingly caressing my blackberry and Chinco android *runsaway*)

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