Two Years In Media And Counting!

Today is very nostalgic for me because it marked the start of a journey into a terrain I knew NOTHING about which is the Media World.

I graduated from Unilag in the year 2000,and from 2001 I became a banker, a career which I did till 2010 when fate came knocking and I lost the job through circumstances beyond my control.

It was indeed a trying time for me because it seemed like I went from Grace to Grass! Being a banker for so many years I was privileged to have enjoyed some form of affluence. From wearing the most expensive suits,clothes and shoes to buying gold jewelry almost every month,traveling abroad from time to time,buying a tear rubber car and just enjoying the good life.

Little did I know that a season of SERIOUS dryness was lurking around the corner.I was so looking forward to being in senior management in the bank so I could mortgage a property and become a landlady(*smiles*)

The wilderness experience came in 2010 when the bank job came to an end and I won't lie,I was in shock for a long while because things changed DRASTICALLY! Life threw me some serious lemons and I honestly didn't know how to pick myself up and start again.

I was still thinking like a 'Bank Big Girl' despite having NOTHING and I had to learn HUMILITY the hard way! I came to understand that having material things isn't really what life is all about because those things are very temporary.

Of course they all went,the gold jewellery were the first to be sold off with me even owing my gold seller money I couldn't even afford. Unfortunately I couldn't sell the suits, shoes and laces that I thought made me look like I was in the big league.

I went through the wilderness experience even thinking of ending it all despite having my two wonderful children. Eventually I allowed God step in and take over my life. My church was WONDERFUL during that period. They took over my children's school fees which had that time had become a major embarrassment and disgrace to the poor children who didn't understand what was happening.  

I learnt a vocation from my church because employment wasn't coming forth and I needed a source of income so I don't become a beggar suddenly. I continued to eat my humble pie and learnt so much I hadn't learnt in life prior to this.

Of course I wasn't a spring chicken any more and being middle aged, many establishments preferred to hire younger people and I wasn't ready to lie about my age.

Fast forward to 2012 when via twitter a friend I hadn't seen in 15years but we went to Unilag together tweeted at a mutual friend of ours in the entertainment/media industry and God took it from there.

Today I am an OAP(On air Personality) with Cityfm105.1. Has the journey there been easy? Not exactly, but it has been worth it in terms of being given the opportunity and platform to be myself despite not having any prior media experience.

From working in the News department,being a reporter,news reader and finally being a presenter which I am loving at the moment. I want to say a big THANK YOU to those God has used and is still using for me.

I haven't reached CELEB status yet(Laughing very hard now) but I am grateful to God for seeing me thus far. Of course the salary is far from what I was earning during my bank days(very far sef....*widegrin*) and I still struggle sometimes working with very young people but I won't give it up for ANYTHING!!!

2 years might not seem like much to celebrate, but for me it is a MAJOR feat because I didn't even imagine I could cope with the challenges and still be here despite having ZERO media experience.

I continue to give God the praise and will continue to add value with my various presentations anytime I am on air because like a friend of mine says whenever I am in the studio and my mic is on....I am the HAPPIEST person ever!I forget my worries and its all about pleasing my listeners.

And to those that have been in this walk with me all this while either directly or indirectly,in a good or bad way(you know yourselves na...Lol) I say THANK YOU!!!

The waka continues and God remains my ONE and ONLY and yes an endorsement deal by one of these big companies won't be a bad idea!!!!(Laughing my head off)

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