Have We Sold Our Birthright For Rice??

Its taken me a while to actually blog on this issue because I have been pondering over this latest development in the Nigerian political terrain. 

Truth be told I can't actually call it a latest development because it has actually been on for years whereby politicians share out gifts to the teaming public to try and coerce them stylishly into voting them.

I even stumbled across a picture of a recharge card branded by a politician and distributed to the voting public.

Morally is this even right ,before we even talk about integrity wise? why must you try and bribe your way into people's hearts by trying to manipulate and buy their loyalty with food and material items?

This actually addresses an underlying issue of the fact that the poverty rate is rather high this side of the globe and the politicians will rather use a temporary fix in using the people rather than give them a lasting solution.

After all why not teach someone how to fish and feed him for life rather than giving him fish for just a meal? Why don't the politicians set up agriculture stuff or vocational stuff for people instead of these paltry stuff they give to them.

Now to the receivers of the gifts,is it really right for you to collect these items from politicians you don't know or even trust and sell out your vote rather cheaply? Remember, when the die is cast,you are the ones that will be at the receiving end and at that time your say doesn't even matter anymore.

I remember when Governor Fashola was going to be re-elected in Lagos and helmets were given to Motorcycle riders popularly called Okada riders,they were so happy...now fast forward to months after the election when same Fashola now banned them from major highways,they were now cursing him.

Honestly, I have never liked political issues but this rice sharing is becoming worrisome to me and I wonder how this will continue to affect the rising corruption of the country as well as being unbiased in deciding who is actually the right candidate to rule a state or country.

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