With so many challenges
left,right and centre in life, it is so easy to have a victim mentality and to
start feeling sorry for yourself especially among friends that seem to be
better off than you are.
But the truth is whether you
have issues or not some people will be richer,bolder.probably more good looking
and even wiser than you are so why sweat it?
Besides all these, some
people will still look down on you or see you as not being in their class or
even worth their time. Yes it will hurt if at one point in your life you were
close to such people but if they make it obvious that they don't want to roll
with you anymore,please don't feel bad about that.
Rather determine to make
yourself happy because truth be told,happiness or joy does not come with the
validation of human beings but being in right standing with God. The same
people that validate you today can turn around and treat you like shit tomorrow(check out Jesus Christ's life...especially when Peter denied him not to talk about Judas betraying Him)
so will you make yourself miserable because of that?
Personally,I have never been
an advocate of 'What Will People Say' syndrome because it is a very
unpredictable and rollercoaster way to live. You need to believe in yourself
when no one else does because that is what makes you a winner.
People are entitled to their
opinions and feelings about you and you don't need to take that personally.
Besides if a 'supposed' friend can't tell you directly if he/she has an issue
with you...that isn't your fault.The best way to avoid disappointment is not
to expect anything from anyone.
So rise up above the
criticisms,gossip,assumptions and backbiting. The Bible also encourages us to
be at peace with all men(and women of course). Whatever you do,ALWAYS make sure
you add value to people's lives in one way or the other either directly or
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