Are Your Working Hours Hurting Your Kids??

In the James family the mother and father both leave home at 5am every morning so they can get to work on time. They leave their three kids at home in the company of their 16 year old house girl and 65 year old grandma who then makes sure the children get to school before 8am.

Mrs James gets back from work around 8pm at night while Mr James usually comes in around 10pm totally fagged out due to the long hours at work and the stress of getting home through the traffic gridlock on the roads.

Who among these two parents has time for the children? Who is actually raising up the children? Who is there for them emotionally and even spiritually?

I am very sure this sounds very familiar to so many of us because that has become the norm in a large percent of households nowadays but this now raises the question of who is actually on the receiving end.

Many parents are working hard to provide for the children but what happens if you lose that emotional connection with your children in the midst of all this hustle and bustle…would it have been worth it?
Have you ever wondered "Will my children suffer because they have a working mother or father? Are they being deprived in any way?

However, don’t start to feel guilty because the truth is many happy and successful people have been raised by working parents. There is actually a way to deal with these circumstances that can benefit rather than harm the children.

In reality some stay at home moms and dads are just as busy as full time working parents. You need to focus on how you can make the best of your present opportunities as a working parent to help your children feel special and not deprived.

Try to take time for hugs no matter how busy you are, give hugs in the morning, right after work, several during the evening and a longer one just before bed.

Another suggestion is to hold family meetings like twenty to thirty minutes with your kids. Children feel very special when they are listened to, taken seriously and have their thoughts and ideas heard.

You need to also have a regular scheduled play time with the kids. That is time when you take them either out to play or actually play with them at home.

Get to the point where helping your child feel special is a matter of planning and habit and not a lack of time. At the end of it all your child will feel special and you will feel less guilty going out to look for your daily bread.

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