Back From My Hiatus

Wow!!! I don't want to even get into how long ago i wrote on this blog last....but what is important is i have woken up from my slumber and I am BACK for GOOD this time!!!(God help me)A lot has happened since i last wrote.To the glory of God i have gone through some major transitions career wise and spiritually as well.

Spiritually,my relationship with God is on a higher level because He has indeed been ordering and directing my paths and He continues to(sorry to sound so cliche). Honestly there is a God and He is indeed a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.I am not here to tell you it has been a rosy journey thus far but i am here to tell you He has been helping me with the thorns in the rosebush(Lol)

Careewise...all i can just say is WOW!!!!(starting to become my favorite word) If you have read my earlier posts you will remember i told you i joined the media world in August 2012 working in the News department of a radio station. Well now i have gradually moved into the OAP realm so to speak which means i am now a radio presenter(dancing kukere)

However,I am not in the 'Celeb' status yet(Lol) but i love the fact that i have a platform to influence and affect lives somewhat positively. I present three shows during the weekend and they are:The City Kids Show,The Living Single Show and a gospel show called The Sunday Praise Show. Hosting these shows has been a major JOY to me and the feedback has been good thus far(slow and steady wins the race)

The most shocking of all was the children's show which i felt wasn't my forte but i was amazed at how much fun i am having liaising and hanging out with children, infact i organised a hangout for children in December and it turned out great to the glory of God!!!!(pictures coming up in a bit)

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