Woman Told To Settle Child Abuse Against Her 7 Yr Old Child At Home By The Police?

It is so sad when one hears of child abuse cases but the scary thing is that the children keep getting younger and the predators are usually closer than we think.

The recent news is the abuse of a 7 year old by her father who plays with her private parts and inserts his manhood in her mouth!

The victim, a primary 3 pupil who lives with her parents at their Ojokoro Housing Estate, Meiran, Ijaiye, Lagos, said the father gives her money after doing all this to her. She said he usually touches her private part when her mother is outside washing clothes or when she is not in the house.

Meanwhile, the worst part of the story is that the mother reported the matter to the police station and was advised to go home and settle the matter with members of the family harassing her for even reporting the matter in the first place.

Which way forward in isssues like this because that seems to be the general consensus of our society?

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