Should A Man Be The Commissioner For Women Affairs?

That is the question going through my mind as I saw reports that a man is now the Commissioner for Women Affairs in Adamawa state.

Women Affairs ministries at state and federal levels of government, are seen as symbols of gender balance, and are traditionally headed by females as the ministry handles issues affecting women.

In Adamawa State, Governor Jibrilla Bindow swore in Aliyu Tola, a man, as the Commissioner for Women Affairs alongside 20 other commissioners in the state.

This appointment has elicited reactions from women groups and politicians with a female activist in the state, Rahima Bala, saying she could not see the logic behind the governor’s decision.

However, when contacted, the chief Press Secretary to the governor, Yohannna Mathias, cited a precedent, saying this is not unique to Adamawa state as it happened also in Bauchi.

Hmnnn...doe this make it right? What say ye? should a man be in charge of a ministry that handles women affairs?

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