Church In Missisipi Offer Gun As Gift To Member Who Brings Most Visitors To Service

Why should a church make a gun an incentive for inviting people to service? Well that's what First Pentecostal Church of Aberdeen, Mississippi had to offer the church member who brought the most new people to the church for the month.

According to reports, Mark Perrott attended the church and realized they were holding a contest to see who could bring the most new people into the church during the month, and the prize was a AR15 gun, which the pastor described as a “killing machine.

He then told his friend Jon Juhrt who is a blogger and he took to his blog to talk about it which eventually led to Reverend Ricky Bowen, the pastor of the church getting in touch with him.

The pastor said the blog post opened his eyes to their bad choice of using the gun as a gift and that they did not think of it in a negative way and that the weapon is no longer part of the promotion. 

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