Apologies On The Blogging Break....I AM BACK!

Let me start by saying I apologize for the break in transmission! Today makes it exactly 10 days, 6 hours, 27 minutes and 43 seconds since I blogged last (not that I was counting...Lol) and it was due to circumstances beyond my control.

You know that saying of man proposes but God disposes? Well, my blogging silence was due to such but to the glory of God I AM BACK!!! 

When I started my blog journey 1 year 5 months ago, it was meant to be like a journal of sorts where I just write of issues that catch my fancy from time to time with long breaks in between, but eventually Bimztheory.com grew to become more than that and I branched out into making it a place where you will get information on general issues which cover gist, politics, entertainment, inspiration and news on trending matters, in short commercial reasons (Lol) which necessitated more regular updates.

However, this made me slow down on the personal angle hence my coming up with another blog which serves as what you can call the "personal Bimz" angle hence, livingsinglediary.com where I just let loose!

In the few days I haven't blogged, I carried out a survey of sorts and found out that quite a number of people had issues dropping comments because of the "captcha" security measure put in place by Google. In order to address this, I have had to set up an alternative such that once you drop your comments, a notification is sent to my mail for approval which eliminates the former frustrating style of proving that you are not a robot or having to identify letters or alphabets.

I hope in the days to come this will actually encourage you to drop more comments. I will also start weekly giveaways and try to generally be more interactive in terms of bringing more stuff your way because truth be told your opinion is of great importance. I appreciate those that took time out to ask what was wrong over the past days via my social media.

Meanwhile, for those who actually want to make inquiries as regards advert placements, social media hypes or even sharing information, kindly send an email to bimztheory@gmail.com and I will get back to you.

THANK YOU so much for making blogging a worthwhile activity for me especially those that understand that I am not a "Linda Ikeji" and have come to appreciate the niche that is "Bimztheory"

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