Find Out The Easiest Way To Exercise Without Paying A Dime!

It is no longer news that exercise has to be a part of our lives to help us be healthy but the issue of going to the gym is not particularly convenient for most people either time-wise or financially wise so stumbling on this picture, I decided to share.

This is an alphabet table of sorts of different exercises that help your whole body and the simple way of using it is just by spelling your name! Let me get practical and illustrate with my name.


B-20 Crunches
I- 30  Jumping Jacks
M- 20 Burpees
Z- 20 Push-ups
T- 15 Squats
H- 20 Squats
E- 1 Min Wall Sit
O- 40 Jumping Jacks
R- 15 Arm Circles
Y- 10 Crunches

Simple right? You catch my drift? Now go ahead and work out! But I take God beg una, na Bimz I am starting with sha......Lol 

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