Micheal Jackson's Father Turns 87 But Suffers Stroke & Heart Attack!

Michael Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, turned 87 years old a few days ago but unfortunately has suffered 3 heart attacks and had to be fitted with a pacemaker during emergency surgery.

According to reports from the Daily Mail, his heart actually stopped beating for a few seconds before he was revived by medical staff at the Albert Einstein Hospital in São Paulo.

Unfortunately, since he celebrated his 87th birthday party last Sunday, he has been in intensive care in  the hospital and doctors are watching to see if the pacemaker stabilizes his health.

There are also reports that prior to the surgery he suffered a stroke which resulted in loss of vision and it is not yet ascertained if he will regain his eyesight back.

Meanwhile just a few days before this incident, he was seen hanging out with his girlfriend, Angelina Stilitti, at a local eatery at Sao Paulo.

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