He Can't Speak French, But Nigel Richards Becomes World Scrabble Champion In French

I am a huge fan of board games especially Scrabble (maybe because I studied English in the university...Lol) but trust me, the fun is always when we form words that don't exist in the dictionary just to get points and then you are caught.

Which is why I was amazed at the news that the world's best Scrabble player, Nigel Richards, became the World Champion for the Francophone Classic Scrabble of 2015 without even knowing how to speak French!

The final round of the competition held on Monday in Belgium between him and his French-speaking opponent, Schelick Ilagou Rekawe but Nigel Richards won the final match with 565 points to his opponent's 434.

When asked how he won despite not understanding French, Nigel said it took him about 9 weeks to memorize all the French words to use for the tournament. However, he learned the words without actually knowing what they mean!

48 year old Nigel learnt how to play Scrabble with his mom because she got tired of him beating her at cards and because he kept failing English in school she decided to teach him Scrabble to encourage him to learn English word.

So far, Nigel Richards has won 5 North American Scrabble Championships, 3 World Scrabble Championships, Best Scrabble player of all time and the first player to become World Champion in English and French.

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