FGGC Sagamu Class Of 95 Need Your Help To Make A Positive Impact

I remember my secondary school days with very fond memories because it was where I learnt most of what I know today, and even met some people who have remained my friends through thick and thin till today.

In those days, attending a Federal Government School was a big deal and I am so glad my mother ensured I had this privilege of attending Federal Government Girls College Sagamu, Ogun state.

I was part of the Class of 1995 and to celebrate our 20th anniversary of leaving secondary school (darn...I am getting old! Lol), we decided to give back to our alma mater by embarking on a project to build a block of 12 toilets for the current students.

From these pictures you would see the gory state of toilets that the current students are using. In fact, it is in such a deplorable state that the girls have to find alternative means when they need to use the toilet(which is better imagined).

The project cost of this project is, 2.8 Million Naira and I am proud to say we have been able to raise, 2 Million Naira ($10,000) among ourselves (well done girls...erm sorry ladies!)

We have now decided to solicit for help from y'all reading this to help us raise the remaining 800,000 Naira, ($4,000). Nothing is too small and will be greatly appreciated.

We have a gofundme account you can help donate to via the link below. God bless you greatly as you help us achieve this great feat. Pro Unitate remains our watchword.

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