Court Orders 2 Christian Bakers To Pay $135,000 For Not Making Cake For Lesbian Wedding!

A couple who run a bakery, Sweet Cakes in Oregon, have been forced to shut down their bakery and pay 135,000 Dollars for refusing to bake a cake for a same sex wedding!

Aaron and Melissa Klein had refused to bake the cake based on their Christian beliefs against gay marriages but according to Labor Commissioner, Brad Avakian, under Oregon law, it is illegal to refuse to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. 

The court ruling also bans the couple from speaking publicly about not wanting to bake cakes for same-sex weddings based on their Christian beliefs.

In defending the huge amount the couple were ordered to pay,Mr Avakian says the denial of service caused the lesbian couple go through emotional distress.

However, the couple who now run their business from home, say they continue to stand for God's truth and if they were to lose everything it would be totally worth it after all God gave his only son, Jesus Christ to die for us.

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