Caught Between “If Its Meant To Be, It Will Be” And “If You Want It, Go Get It”.

It is so easy to fall into a foul and depressed mood when you look around you and things seem not to be going the way you envisage.  

Being a single mum of 2 children, I must confess that God has been faithful  thus far even though sometimes like Oliver Twist, I always want more but then who doesn’t? even Dangote, the richest African man according to Forbes magazine, still works hard everyday to make more money despite being a billionaire already.

However, I am sometimes caught between “if its meant to be, it will be” and “if you want it, go get it”. This has been a timeless issue on my mind and then I remember the verse in the Bible that says it is God that blesses my hand to make wealth and that it is not of him that willeth or him that runneth but God that shows mercy.

So many things I have achieved in my life has never been because I lobbied for it or because I knew someone but rather because God made a way where there often seemed to be none. But then, I look around me and it seems like the people lobbying are actually getting ahead and then I start to wonder if I should go that route or not.

However, the truth is the few times I have tried to push or lobby for something, it has never been successful instead it ends out badly and then I feel bad about the whole thing and then God reminds me that He will NEVER share His Glory with any man.

From the beginning of this week, I got into a foul mood which made me feel depressed, cranky and I even started shouting at my kids unnecessarily and I had to caution myself.

Eventually, I took the matter to the only One who is always there when no one is, the One who knows me inside out and the One who created me in His own image, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, Jehovah Jireh, Nissi, Elohim and the only sufficient God that knows the end from the beginning and you know what He said?

The answer I got for all my worry, questions and self doubt was: “You are my daughter in whom I am well pleased” Wow! What an answer, I won’t say the doubts automatically disappeared(though they should right?) but I am more convinced than ever that I am where God wants me to be right at this moment and God does not have selective memory when it comes to my matter, He is still very mindful of me and if He can sort out a part of my life, he will definitely sort out every other part BUT in HIS own time.

I decided to share this today because I know so many of us go through this at one point or the other in our lives, please be rest assured that its only God that can make a way where there seems to be none. 

Worry never accomplishes anything but just makes you feel worse. So rather than rob yourself of peace, keep doing what you know how to do best with all your power and might, be faithful with that job, career or situation you think needs a change but in all of this keep praying to God to order your steps and direct your paths and He will lead you to where and what He wants you to be after all, He knows the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning.

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