Black Market Gone Bad! Man Caught With 47 Kegs Of Petrol.

This is exactly what happens when you feel the business of black market fuel is your village inheritance!

A middle aged man, Innocent Nwevo, has been in caught in the Ogba area of Lagos with 47 kegs of fuel in his possession.

According to reports, the police team who caught him acted on a tip off that Innocent was stockpiling and engaging in illegal sales of petroleum product in the area.

On arrival at his shop, they discovered the kegs of petrol, carefully concealed behind foodstuffs and other commodities in the shop. He has since being arrested and is currently undergoing investigation.

Infact words fail me, asides the fact that he is obviously a greedy thief, how about the risk to lives of people in that area. Imagine a fire, 47 kegs of petrol!!

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