Bill Cosby Finally Admitts Drugging Women For Sex?

I think Bill Cosby just broke my heart and many others with his latest court confession where he gave under oath admitting that he got drugs to he could give women for sex!

When the news broke months ago and different women came up to say he had raped them after drugging them, I was of the opinion that it was a set up for monetary purposes. But to hear him actually confess this is just sad.

Although the documents date back to 2005they stem from a lawsuit filed by one of the many women who have publicly accused the comedian of sexual assault but the records were made public yesterday after The Associated Press went to court to compel their release.

According to documents, the 77 year old actor and comedian said he obtained Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with, and he admitted giving the sedative to at least one woman and other people.

I am just short of words about this revelation, the Cosby show of that time was like the perfect family for me even though it was being acted, it was so easy to relate with them. How did this even happen? *sadface*

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