Goodbye Selfie Stick! Will Selfie Arm Take Over?

Either you are in on it or not, the Selfie train is aboard this century and technology continues to come up with ways to make it easier and better. From smartphones that have got front view cameras with high mega pixels to the selfie stick that covers a wider reach.

However, this latest one is still kinda weird as it is called the Selfie Arm and is shaped like a human hand. It is a new Selfie stick design that adds an arm to your self-portraits, making them look like photos of you taken by a human being.

The prototype was created by artists Justin Crowe and Aric Snee out of lightweight and portable fibreglass and lets you appear to hold a friend's hand while you take a selfie. 

However, the artists have not spoken about plans to bring the selfie-arm to market yet but I ask you....Whats your choice, Selfie Stick or Selfie Arm?

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