Would You Share Videos Of Your Kids Online For One Million Dollars?

Well Mark and Shea, from the Phillipines, are making more than one Million Dollars from advert revenue generated from their family-friendly YouTube videos, which feature footage of their children playing with toys such as Thomas the Tank Engine.

They usually upload videos starring their 5 year old son Hulyan, their 3 year old daughter Maya and their 5 month old son Marxlen to their popular YouTube channel Hulyan Maya, which currently receives more than 3 Million views daily.

Speaking with Yahoo Parents, Mark said their YouTube income skyrocketed dramatically last year but they actually started uploading videos since 2007.

Projecting to earn at least $1.5 Million this year, they have both quit their jobs in order to pursue their lucrative YouTube careers full time.

These days, they now dedicate their time to filming, producing and sharing a minimum of two videos a day, which typically run for at least 15 minutes each.

So far, they've made so much money from the ads that air before each clip that they were able to pay for their cars and their house in Southern California in cash. They have even made enough to send all three of their children to college.  

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