Hello March....Just Be Good To Me!

Cliche as it may sound, it seems like the year 2015 is running by so fast, we are in the 3rd month of the year already and as always when a new month starts its kind off like a time for reflection on what next.

For me, 2015 has been with its fair share of challenges despite the fact that its just 2 months gone but on the other hand God has shown up for me in more ways than ever before.

Career-wise, I thank God for where He is taking me to even though it hasn't particularly been a walk in the park. Anyway, like the saying "fake it till you make it"(Lol), I'm gradually packaging myself into who and what I want to be, alongside the mandate I believe God has given me to add value to lives in my own little way.

It hasn't been unusual for me to ponder over where I want to be, where I could have been, and even where I should have been. Yes, I have had moments of comparing my life to people around me like friends, family and even foes(Lol)

Of course not to mention self esteem issues where I have had to snap myself back to reality that God deals with us all in different ways and for the fact that I am still alive, He is definitely giving me another chance to soar higher.

With all this said and done I stumbled across a reflective piece online and I decided to elaborate on it as it pours out all my thoughts and feelings on life thus far.

 My past mistakes don’t own me. 

 Sometimes we dwell on our past and allow bad mistakes make us feel down. You have to remember that the past will never return except you allow it to. You can’t allow what happened in your past take residence in your future. 

It doesn’t have a right to be there.  Every second passed is in the past, so it’s already gone. Therefore, you can only learn from those decisions, and move forward to make better decisions in the present and future.

You never know who’s in your camp until they show you (or God himself does). 

Boy can I relate with this, I used to have a long list of friends but right now I think I can count the few genuine ones on one hand. So many "frenemies"

I have had people slander my name, people backstab me and some just outrightly treat me like filth, but really, you can’t blame people for being human but you do need to pray for wisdom so that they don't keep hurting you.

Those who hurt you don’t have the power to control your feelings. 

It is very easy to allow what people say about you weigh you down, so just make a choice not to allow it bother you much because people will try to hurt you but only you have the power to rise above that.

 Just because you have a goal doesn’t mean you will always reach it. 

It kinda sounds harsh especially with the faith issue of being able to do all things if you believe. However,we always have several goals but the truth is you might not meet it as at when due BUT that doesn't mean you won't get there. Always console yourself with the truth that you grow mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically everyday.

You deserve the right to be confident.

I have to go spiritual here, God made you in His image and made you a joint heir with Christ. So why not rock that fact? that is something no human being no matter how wealthy they may be, can do for you.

Rock your confidence in the Lord and everyday remind yourself that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and God loves you too much to leave you utterly cast down.

Enjoy the month of March and keep marching on!!!!(another cliche but pls embrace it...Lol)

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