14 Year Old Girl Goes Blind After Getting Slapped By School Principal's Secretary

I came across this story a couple of days ago and I have been battling to come to terms with the shock since then.

According to reports, the secretary to the principal of Bishop Phillips Academy, Ibada, Funke Fashina slapped a 14 year old female SSS 2 student and days after the girl has lost sight in her right eye.

Iyanuoluwa Dahusi, the victim said she was with two of her friends in school and they went to greet a teacher they spotted from afar, on their way back, the principal’s secretary saw them and asked what they were doing in that area and slapped the three of them.

Unfortunately, when Iyanu got home that evening she started having pains and the eye got swollen and that is how she became a patient at the hospital.

The parents eventually reported the case at the police station and Mrs Fashina was later arraigned in court and granted bail. 

Iyanu's parents are however crying out that they need more for her surgery at UCH, Ibadan, because it has been hard getting help and they want Mrs Fashina to confess if she used any charm on their daughter.

This is really a sad story and a warning to teachers and school authorities everywhere, corporal punishment should be used sparingly and other forms of punishment should be looked into.

I can't even begin to imagine the pain this poor girl is going though. Appropriate authorities need to take this up so such doesn't happen in other schools.

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