Selfie Causes Fatal Plane Crash In Denver, Colorado

Selfies are the in thing presently but it seems like it is becoming a danger of sorts to people. There have been stories of some people that fell to their deaths from cliff tops while trying to take a selfie.

The latest news according to CNN is that a selfie is to blame for a plane crash that occurred around Denver. Investigation from the  National Transportation Safety Board reveals that the pilot was distracted as he was trying to take a selfie with his passenger.

Investigators found an undamaged GoPro video camera near the wreckage and recovered its data card. Video from the card showed the 29 year old pilot, Amritpal Singh, taking pictures with several passengers on flights the previous day. There was also another picture of him taking photos of himself with his cell phone during one nighttime flight shortly before the fatal trip.

They say it is likely that the use of cell phones to take selfies during that flight distracted the pilot, causing him to develop spatial disorientation and lose control of the plane as investigators found nothing wrong with the aircraft itself that might have contributed to the crash.

Before the crash, Amritpal was taking photographs with his passenger, a musician who was in town for a concert, before their Cessna two-seater crashed.

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