Hope As Scientists Try To Make A Pill That Will Help Early Detection Of Cancer

Cancer has taken over as one of the diseases that kills many people in recent times and medical experts are yet to come up with a cure for it unfortunately.

However, there are indications that scientists at Stanford University in California may come up with a pill that will help diagnose cancer soon.

They have been trying to develop a pill that will make cancer cells release certain proteins into the blood that will hopefully pave the way for simple blood tests to replace painful biopsies.

What this means is that those proteins would then be detected using a quick and easy blood test. It is hoped that the drug will be sensitive enough to work on even the earliest cancer cells.

The latest research by John Ronald and Sanjiv Gambhir will be published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

I really hope it comes out successful as early detection always helps in saving patients with cancer.

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