Should You Consult A Prophet Before Choosing A Partner To Marry?

When I came across this topic it gave me a feeling of nostalgia because I actually fell victim to this and sometimes think my life might have turned out different if I hadn't taken the so called prophet's advice.

The prospect of marriage is indeed a daunting one and it is becoming very vital that people (male & female), ensure that they don't make mistakes when choosing a partner.

However, the truth is many people end up making mistakes as regards choosing the right partner because of external factors like a prophet or pastor telling them who to marry or not to settle for as the case may be.

For me then, there was a particular guy that I was crazy about and who was crazy about me way back, but my mum said she went to check with a pastor and that he said the guy will become very popular and rich but many women will be chasing after him( but then which goodlooking man do women not chase after including pastors?!)

Fast forward to now, the guy indeed is very popular, rich and HAPPILY MARRIED!!!!!!

Is it really necessary to go seek prophets/pastors before taking that bold marriage step? Even if they give you the go ahead, does it mean that marriage will be rosy all the way?

I have heard of different funny cases and personally know of a lady who kept going to seek out 'marriage prophecies' and she was being told different things like; one aunty in his family won't like you, he will marry a 2nd wife in future, he won't live long, he won't become rich, you won't have children and the list goes on and on.

Unfortunately, she is 39 years old now and out of desperation is now engaged to a guy that frankly speaking I won't wish on an enemy!

Many ladies often fall into this trap, believing that they need to seek the permission of a prophet/pastor before being with the right man.

While I am not against seeking spiritual guidance, I think it is still very important you pray for yourself and let God minister to you. Let us not be lazy in building our relationship with God so that you will know the right steps to take and don't end up falling victim to fraudulent spiritual practices that may affect our lives negatively forever?

Unfortunately, some prophets/pastors have become so materialistic and unreliable that they are just out to make a quick buck from you all in the name of praying and fasting for you.

On the other hand, we are the ones that kind of encourage them when we forget that we all actually have the same access to God through prayers. We prefer to exalt men of God and their words even above the word of God.

With this, at the end of the day, many people are conned into losing out on love and end up in unhappy marriages and eventual divorce. Please let us allow God have His way in our lives and lead us to make the right decisions.

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