Man Kills Wife Weeks After Being Released On Bail For Attacking Her

An abusive husband has murdered his wife just weeks after being released on bail for violently attacking her, despite her repeated calls to police to warn she was in danger. Madina Landsberg, 31, had reported her 34-year-old husband Dexter to Hertfordshire police several times in the months before she died.

In April, Landsberg was arrested for beating up his wife and smashing her mobile phone in a violent rage. He had also been cautioned in 2012 for assaulting his wife. But, after being charged with common assault and criminal damage, Landsberg was released on bail. Just weeks later, Mrs Landsberg was found beaten to death at the couple's home in Hatfield. The case was referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission, the police watchdog, which advised the force to carry out an investigation into its contact with the victim.

Today, Landsberg pleaded guilty at St Albans Crown Court to his wife's murder. He had initially denied murder but changed his plea this morning. The defendant, who appeared wearing a grey suit, blue tie and white shirt, stood only to say 'guilty' after his lawyers asked the judge for the charge to be put to him again.

Two further charges of common assault and criminal damage relating to the offences for which he was on bail at the time - were dropped by the prosecution. Abbas Lakha QC, defending Landsberg, said his client wanted to apologise to his wife's family, several of whom watched from the public gallery. He said: 'My client is anxious, I say this publicly. He would like to publicly apologise to Madina's family and friends for what happened.' 

He added: 'There was no intention to cause death but it is accepted that death clearly resulted from an assault by him, which had an intention of causing very serious harm.' Prosecution barrister James Norman, speaking outside court, said: 'He was arrested in April and charged with common assault and criminal damage to her mobile phone. 'He was also cautioned in 2012 for assaulting her and she had made other calls to the police that didn't result in any further action.'

After its contact with Mrs Landsberg, Hertfordshire police referred itself to the police watchdog which advised the force to carry out its own investigation.  The Independent Police Complaints Commission said: 'We received a referral from Hertfordshire Constabulary on 11 June 2014. 'After a careful assessment of the available evidence, we decided that Hertfordshire Constabulary should carry out a local investigation into their contact with Madina Landsberg prior to her death. We advised the force that if any evidence arises during their investigation that might merit this decision being reconsidered, this should be referred to us again.'

A Hertfordshire Constabulary spokesman said: 'The background will all be laid down at the sentencing hearing on December 17 but there wasn't much contact between the police and the victim before she died. 'It is obviously a terrible tragedy but not one involving the police. I understand the amount of contact wasn't significant. 'He was on our radar to some degree but it was peripheral.'

On the case being referred to the IPCC, she added: 'That is a mandatory referral because there was some contact, but not very much. 'The case is also the subject of a domestic homicide review, which looks at all partners in health, the local authority and others.'

The force was unable to comment on how many times the woman had contacted police before her death.  Judge Stephen Gullick told the killer he would be remanded in custody for sentencing on December 17.  

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