Catholic Church Reverts To Former Practices Before Ebola Outbreak

The Catholic Bishops Conference has ordered that all its priests and the lay faithful revert to the normal practices of receiving Holy Communion through the tongue. They also ordered their members to resume the observance of handshake as a sign of peace during masses.

There had been a stop of all these practices after the Ebola Virus outbreak in Nigeria in July this year as a means of curbing the spread in the churches. However, according to the church, since the World Health Organisation, WHO has declared Nigeria Ebola free, things should return to normal.

The Catholic Bishop Conference also directed that holy water founts at the entrance of churches be filled again with holy water and never to be allowed to go dry any more.

This was in a special circular for this month signed by the Archbishop of the Metropolitan See of Lagos, Alfred Adewale Martins, which was circulated to all Catholic Churches in Lagos Archdiocese and across the country. According to the Parish Priest of St. Timothy Catholic Church, Ojodu, Rev. Fr. Gabriel Kunle Amolegbe, the reversal order is with immediate effect.

The church also called on catholic faithfuls to continue to pray for countries that are still contending with Ebola that has claimed several lives in Sierra -Leone, Liberia and other African counties and the world at large.

Although the announcement was received with the clapping of hands, as a sign of happiness and acceptance, some members of the church feel like the reception of Holy Communion should still be optional, since there are other mouth diseases that could be contagious. you agree with the church's position?

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