90 Year Old Mugabe Accuses Deputy Of Being A Witch

90 year old President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe has fired his deputy after accusing her of 'plotting to kill him' and calling her a witch!

According to a statement released by the government, the president fired 59 year old Joice Mujuru and 8 other Cabinet ministers aligned with her, accusing them of corruption.

She had initially been tipped as the person most likely to succeed Robert Mugabe until his second wife, Grace, launched a three-month campaign against her and accused her of being too 'dull' and 'corrupt' to lead the party.

Just last week, the First Lady was appointed as leader of the women's wing of Zanu-PF and this move has added to suspicions that she is being groomed to take over.

According to a statement issued by the cabinet secretary on behalf of Robert Mugabe, it was alleged that the discharge of Mrs Mujuru's duties had become inconsistent with the expected standard and that there was a conflict between official responsibilities and private interests. He also accused her of holding secret meetings at the U.S. Embassy in Harare.

Meanwhile, Mrs Mujuru has denied the claims, calling them as 'ridiculous' in her first public statement. She also said her loyalty to the president was unquestionable and indications to the contrary were malicious.

Mrs Mujuru has been a member of Robert Mugabe's cabinet since he became president in 1980 and she is the first vice president to be fired since Zimbabwe gained independence in 1980 as her 4 predecessors all died in office.

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