Federal Civil Service Commission Steps Us With 21st Century Technology

In steps towards aligning with 21st century technology, the Federal Government has adopted a unified email platform for the Federal Civil Service of Nigeria.

The adoption of the 'gov.ng' domain platform, marks the official take off of the official electronic communication platform in the Federal Civil Service of the Federation.

Confirming this development, the Minister of Communication Technmology, Omobola Johnson, said  the switch to 'gov.ng', is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Communication Technology to drive transparency in governance and improve quality and cost effectiveness  of public service delivery.

She said it ia a major milestone in Nigeria's pursuit towards using the potentials of Information Communication Technology, ICT to advance the economy.
The new platform will improve the speed and efficiency of official communications and provide the means to share, store and gain access to official documents anytime, anywhere and on any computer or mobile device.
The migration of websites to the 'gov.ng' platform would also enable the delivery of government business over a more secure and robust technology  platform as well as enhance national cyber identity on the internet to improve confidence in citizens, businesses and foreigners as they seek Government information and services online.

She said the platform could be accessed through the www.fedcs.gov.ng, a simple easy way to navigate and enable the users activate email accounts. The portal will also eventually serve as the central information portal or Intranet for government, offering authorized and secure access to online services documents and resources.
According to the Minister, about 42,000 email accounts have so far been created for all officers on GL 10 to 17 in the Federal Civil Service, while they expand the infrastructure and the capacity of the platform email accounts to be created for federal civil servants on GL09 and below.

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