We Did It!! Nigeria Has Finally Been Declared Ebola-Free Today

 To the glory of God, Nigeria has officially been declared Ebola-Free by the World Health Organisation, WHO after six weeks with no new cases.
Speaking on this achievement in Abuja today, WHO representative Rui Gama Vaz, said it was a "spectacular success story".

Nigeria acted swiftly after a Liberian diplomat, Patrick Sawyer brought the disease  in July however, 7 Nigerians including Dr Ameyo Stella Adadevoh who diagnosed Sawyer died.

Dr Adadevoh has been credited with helping to contain the outbreak at its source as her action helped trace people who could have contracted the disease from him.

The outbreak has killed more than 4,500 people in West Africa, mostly in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone and an estimated 70% of those infected have died in those countries.

Senegal was officially declared Ebola-Free on Friday.

Meanwhile, European Union foreign ministers are meeting in Luxembourg to discuss how to strengthen their response to the threat posed by Ebola. Ahead of the talks, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier suggested the EU could send a civilian mission to West Africa that would serve as a platform for sending medical staff.
The WHO can declare a country Ebola- Free  if two incubation periods of 21 days pass with no new cases and the last reported case in Nigeria was discovered on 5 September.
Nevertheless, let us till keep maintaining good hygiene standards and continue washing our hands regularly and cook our food thoroughly and properly.

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