Barka De Sallah & Happy Holidays

Barka De Sallah and hearty congratulations to all Muslim Faithful and every other person as we get to have two days of holidays on Monday and Teusday...very long weekend (Yipee!!)

Every year, the Eid Il Kabir celebration is done world wide to remind Muslims of the unquestioning faith that Abraham had in wanting to sacrifice his only son and child as requested by God. Seeing such selfless obedience, God now provided a ram to serve as the sacrifice.

The beauty of this celebration is that even Christians can relate to this as the story of Abraham is also in the Bible and it all comes down to us trusting in God totally and completely without any reservations.
In the course of this celebration, Muslims will eat and make merry with their friends. Beyond this, Eid-el-Kabir should also remind us of the benefit of peace, tolerance and harmony. However, this love and unity shouldn't be practiced during festivals alone but ALWAYS.


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